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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

The average consumer will turn to a search engine whenever they have an immediate need for a service or product, or are in the process of researching a supplier. It's therefore vital for your business to be visible at the very moment a potential consumer is searching for a business such as yours.

There's absolutely no doubt about it. A well optimized website is the undisputed digital channel for a business to generate new leads and sales. But to achieve this requires a website to have a clear content strategy, be technically proficient and conform to the latest search engine optimization recommendations and best-practices - typically set by the industry leading search engine, Google.

Despite the rise in importance of Social Media, the average customer will still always turn to a search engine such as Google whenever they have an immediate requirement for a product or service or are in the process of researching their next supplier.

It's therefore important for your business to be visible at the very moment a potential customer is searching for a business such as yours.

The process of ensuring your website ranks at the top of Google for related searches is called Search Engine Optimization (or SEO).

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What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engines such as Google scour through billions of websites and pieces of content and evaluate thousands of online factors to determine which websites are going to answer a users search query.

The search engines do this by "crawling" and "indexing" content and then they order the relevant content by how well they match the users search. And if you want your website to be crawled and you want it to rise up the search engine ranks, you need to increase the technical quality of your site and you also need to improve the quality of your site content - regularly.

SEO has been a part of digital marketing since the beginning of search engines, and it is a science in its own right. It takes hard work and time to implement a successful SEO strategy - however, once your site begins to rise in the search engines results - the long term value is unmatched.

We are a SEO Company with a 5 year track record

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is defined as the practice of optimising a website and its content in order to be discovered through a search engine’s organic search results.

SEO is the practice of increasing the quantity and more importantly, the quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. When we talk about Organic Search results, we mean those websites that are shown AFTER the text-based adverts on a Google Search Engine Results Page (also known as SERP).

For example, with quality SEO in place, when someone is searching for a product or service you offer, your website will be one of the first pages suggested to them.

One of the main goals of SEO is for your business to rank higher than your competitors on search engine results pages. If your web page ranks higher than those in the same industry, you will drive more traffic to your website than they will. If your website is structured correctly, you should therefore, receive more leads or conversions, and in doing so, will build a tangible, measurable value to your business.

So, how do you rise up the ranks in the search engine results? Before we dive in, first look at the background of SEO and then unpack the basic elements of search engines and how they rank websites within their search results.

Hear about Search Engine Optimization from Amit Vyas (CEO, ULegendary Digital) and Andrew Thomas (Managing Director, ULegendary Digital) as they discuss why SEO needs a new approach that companies must embrace:

A Background on SEO

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Search Engine Optimization is one of the oldest forms of Digital Marketing with its roots going back as fas as the early nineties. It wasn't however until 1997, when Google was formally launched that website owners began to understand the power of search engines and the subsequent benefits of a website ranking at the very top of search engine results pages. In essence, websites that rank well, drive more traffic and have a greater opportunity of generating leads and business than those who do not rank as well.

Google developed their algorithm in those early days and this formula created the foundations for what has turned Google from a small start-up founded in a Palo Alto garage, into a juggernaut that it is today, valued at close to $1 trillion.

The earliest Search Engine Optimizers were those who tested the boundaries of these algorithms in an attempt to understand how a website can rank higher than another and once results started to indicate a logic behind these rankings, Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it is more commonly known, was born and with it a new industry. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of SEO agencies, SEO professionals and SEO experts located in virtually every town and city around the world.

SEO in 2021 - A New Approach is Required

Clearly, a lot has changed with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since 1997, but today, the entire SEO approach needs to be looked at differently if you want your business to gain long-term benefits. Businesses should no longer simply want their website optimized for the search engines, they should put a strategy in place that helps them OWN the search engine results.

At ULegendary Digital, we are here to help you own the search results. We know that SEO is not easy and that it takes a considerable amount of time and effort for it to work effectively, and this is why we believe that the first step to Search Engine Ownership lies in explaining to our clients just how SEO works and why it works. Without an understanding of the process, a business will never reach its full online potential and on the back of this, opportunities will be lost.

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Introducing a new SEO - Search Engine Ownership

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With Search Engine Ownership, we don’t want to simply optimize your page and get you to the first page of the search results. We want to get you to outrank all of your competitors. This kind of strategy is an investment, one that adds value to your business and betters your bottom line.

If your website outranks your competitors websites you will experience the following benefits:

  • More traffic to your website then they will receive
  • More conversions or leads then they will get
  • You will build tangible value to your business and your SEO will be an asset of value.

So, if you are considering SEO for your business, you need to ask yourself whether you want your website to simply be optimized correctly, or if you want to own the search engine results relevant to your business - and outrank your competitors in the process.

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